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Timing is Everything: Why You Should Align with Your Circadian Rhythm

A city square with many clocks on pols and modern buildings

Have you ever noticed that you tend to feel more energetic and alert at certain times of the day, while at other times you feel sleepy and sluggish? This natural cycle of activity and rest over a 24-hour period is known as your circadian rhythm, and it's an important internal body clock that regulates many biological processes. 

Your circadian rhythm is controlled by a part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which responds to light and dark cycles by sending out signals to regulate your sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, body temperature and more. This internal clock runs on a roughly 24-hour schedule, even when external cues like light and dark are absent.

When your circadian rhythm is aligned with your sleep-wake cycle and natural light-dark exposure, it promotes healthy functioning. But when it's disrupted due to shift work, frequent travel across time zones, inconsistent sleep routines or exposure to artificial light at night, it can have negative effects on your health and wellbeing. 

Here are some key reasons why tuning in to your circadian rhythm is so important:

Improves sleep quality. 

Aligning your sleep schedule with your circadian rhythm promotes more restful and consistent sleep. Disrupting it can lead to insomnia and sleep disorders.

Supports metabolic health and digestion.

Your circadian rhythm helps control the release of hormones like cortisol and melatonin, which regulate appetite, digestion and metabolism. Disruption is linked to higher risk of obesity and diabetes. 

Optimizes alertness and performance.

Feeling alert and energized during the day and sleepy at night allows you to be more productive at work and focused at school. A misaligned circadian clock impairs cognitive function. 

Reduces disease risk.

Disruption of circadian rhythms is associated with increased risk for various health problems, including heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's disease and certain cancers. 

Manages stress.

Tuning in to natural cycles of activity and rest promotes healthier stress hormone levels and reduced anxiety. Disruption can aggravate stress.

So how can you align with your rhythm?

Start by maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle and limiting artificial light exposure in the evenings. Exposure to sunlight in the morning helps reset your internal clock. Avoid large meals late at night and get regular exercise during daylight hours. Making these simple lifestyle changes can go a long way towards tapping in to your body's natural rhythms and health.

You can learn more about how to align with your circadian rhythm in this article.

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